Intertropolis & Routeville Wiki
Intertropolis & Routeville Wiki

Interstate 70 (I-70) is a major east–west Interstate Highway in the United States that runs from I-15 near Cove Fort, Utah, to I-695 near a park and ride in Baltimore, Maryland. I-70 approximately traces the path of U.S. Route 40 (US 40, the Main Street of America) east of the Rocky Mountains. West of the Rockies, the route of I-70 was derived from multiple sources. The Interstate runs through or near many major cities, including Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Columbus, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore. In addition to cities, I-70 runs through the states of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

The sections of the interstate in Missouri and Kansas have laid claim to be the first interstate in the United States. The Federal Highway Administration has claimed the section of I-70 through Glenwood Canyon, completed in 1992, was the last piece of the Interstate Highway system, as originally planned, to open to traffic.

The construction of I-70 in Colorado and Utah is considered an engineering marvel, as the route passes through the Eisenhower Tunnel, Glenwood Canyon, and the San Rafael Swell. The Eisenhower Tunnel is the highest point along the Interstate Highway system, with an elevation of 11,158 feet (3,401 meters).

Route description[]








West Virginia[]


See also: Pennsylvania Turnpike

Interstate 70 in Pennsylvania is mostly concurrent with Interstate 76 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike. A section of Interstate 70 near Breezewood is at grade, meaning that the Interstate travels on a surface road with traffic lights and driveways to businesses at the side of the road. Drivers take an exit from the eastbound Turnpike to US 30, travel west on US 30 for half a mile, then turn left onto the I-70 freeway towards Maryland. Local businesses had petitioned the construction of a direct connection, fearing a loss of profit in their business.


I-Blank (CA)
Interstate Highway System
Signed 12345789101112141516171819202122232425262729303537394041424344454748495053555759606465666869707172737475 • 76 (CO–NEOH–NJ) • 77787980818283 • 84 (OR–UTPA–MA) • 85 • 86 (IDPA–NY) • 87 (NCNY) • 88 (ILNY) • 8990919293949596979899101H-1H-2H-3
Unsigned A-1A-2A-3A-4PR-1PR-2PR-3
Lists PrimaryAuxiliaryIntrastateSuffixedBusinessFutureFormerHypothetical (AuxiliaryBusiness)
Other StandardsIntrastateTemporaryBypassedGapsTolled
Major Interstates are written in bold.